b'TRUSTEES & EMPLOYEES RECOGNIZED AT DECEMBER BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETINGAt the December 14, 2023, Board of Trustees meeting, CTPF recognized three Trustees for their service and launched its milestone program for Trustees and Employees.MILESTONE AWARDSCTPF inaugurated a Trustee and Employee recognition program in 2022, to show appreciation for dedicated service to the Fund. During their December 16, 2023, meeting, CTPF recognizedVice President Jacquelyn Price Ward accepts her Trustees and Employees celebrating one-and five-year milestones with the presentation ofaward from Executive Director Carlton W. Lenoir, Sr. award certificates and pins. Recording Secretary Lois Nelson, 10 years of serviceVice President Jacquelyn Price Ward, 5 years of service Trustee Tammie F. Vinson, 1 year of serviceDuring the meeting, 41 employees were recognized with milestone awards, representing more than 170 years of service to the Fund.FORMER TRUSTEES RECOGNIZED The CTPF Board of Trustees recently recognized Trustees Miguel del Valle, Miquel A. Lewis, and Philip Weiss for their service as Trustees with the presentation of Distinguished Service Awards. Trustee del Valle served as a CTPF Trustee from 2019-2023, following hisMiguel del Valle Miquel A. Lewis Philip Weiss appointment as President of the CPS Board of Education in 2019. A retiredelected official, he was the first Latino Senator elected to the Illinois State Senate, and served for 20 years. Trustee del Valle also served as the Clerk for the City of Chicago, and served on numerous boards and commissions. Trustee Lewis served the Board of Trustees in 2023. He is a lifelong resident of Chicago and serves as the Acting Director/Chief Probation Officer for the Cook County Juvenile Probation and Court Services Department and serves on the Supreme Court Committee on Juvenile Courts. Trustee Lewis has fifteen years of experience in forensic and organizational psychology in the public safety sector of local government. Trustee Weiss was elected to represent Teachers and served the Board from 2020-2023. During his tenure he served as chair of the Investment Committee, and was a member of the Committee on Finance and Audit. He has served as a CPS social worker for more than 25 years, and currently works at the Rickover Naval Academy Chicago. IN MEMORIAM, JOHN F.ANNUAL TRUSTEE OBRILL, FORMER TRUSTEE ELECTIONSFormer President of the Board of Trustees,CTPF will hold an election in November 2024 John F. Jack OBrill passed on October 16, 2023.for Two Teacher Trustees to serve three-year He was 93 years old. Mr. OBrill was born onJohn F. OBrill terms from November 2024November 2027. October 7, 1930, and was a lifelong resident19302023 The next Pensioner Trustee election will beof Chicago. He earned a BS in education fromheld in 2025. Find additional election information at Northern Illinois University, and completed graduatectpf.org/election-central. courses from Loyola University in Administration, Industrial Relations, and Secondary Education. He devoted his career to teaching and served in the Chicago Public School systemTOWN HALL WEBINARfor a remarkable 54.6 years, retiring from Nancy B. JeffersonCTPF offers quarterly Town Hall webinars which share Alternative School in 2012 at age 82. up-to-date information about the Fund and its operations. Mr. OBrill served the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund as aThe webinars generally last about 40 minutes and require Teacher Trustee from 1995-2001, and then again from 2005- registration in advance. Recordings of previous Town Hall 2011, for a total of 12 years, including six as President of theWebinars are available on demand at ctpf.org. The next Board, from 2005-2011. Read more of Jack OBrills story atwebinar will be January 31, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Register for ctpf.org/obrillmemoriam. all webinars at ctpf.org/calendar.7'