b'Its not too early to start preparing for the At the December 12, 2024,retirement process by doing research Board of Trustees meeting, CTPFand organizing your information. The steps recognized three Trustees and multipleyou take now can ensure a smooth staff members for their service throughretirement transition in June. its Milestone Recognition Program. CTPF members planning to retire in 2025 are MILESTONE AWARDS invited to join us for one of our 2025 RetirementTrustee Paula S. Barajas was honoredWebinars. These sessions are your chance to divefor her first year of service, while 41into everything you need to know about the employees were recognized for reachingCTPF retirement processall in one place.significant milestones of 1, 5, 10, 15, andGet ready to start this exciting new chapter with the information and resources 25 years. A highlight of the ceremonythat make planning easier. Were here to guide you and ensure you feel was the special recognition of Gail Davis,prepared for whats ahead. Webinars will include time for Q&A to help answer Director of Administrative Services, foryour questions. her extraordinary 40 years of service in 2024, and Nedda Bulbin, Pension Register at ctpf.org/calendar Analyst, for 25 years of service.Monday, February 17, 2025 Monday, March 24, 2025 SPECIAL RECOGNITIONWebinar | 9:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. Webinar | 9:00 a.m. The Board also presented Distinguished Service Awards to former Trustees VictorRegister by February 7 thto receive aRegister by March 14 thto receive aOchoa and Tanya D. Woods.pension estimate in time for the webinar.pension estimate in time for the webinar.Thursday, March 27, 2025Victor OchoaWebinar | 9:00 a.m.Elected to the Board inthRegister by March 14to receive a2021, Trustee Ochoapension estimate in time for the webinar.made a significant impact, serving as chair of the Technology Committee andDO YOUR HOMEWORKcontributing to several otherCTPF has helpful information online to get you committees, including Investment,started; visit the Leaving Employment and Retirement Finance and Audit, Pension Laws andResources sections under Active Members Administrative Rules, Claims and Serviceat ctpf.org.Credits, and Elections. Tanya D. Woods Be sure to check with your current employer to learnJoining the Board in 2023about their resignation process. You should also as a representative of thecontact any previous employers to obtain the Board of Education,necessary paperwork if they are part of the Reciprocal Pension System.Trustee Woods broughtYou can learn more about the employers covered under the Illinoisfresh perspectives andReciprocal Act under Reciprocal Systems on ctpf.org. valuable insights. She served on theSCHEDULE A COUNSELING SESSION Investments, Pension Laws andMember Services offer phone, video, and in-person counseling appointmentsAdministrative Rules, and Electionsto answer individual questions about retirement, post-retirement health committees, making notableinsurance, and help you complete your retirement application. Call contributions during her tenure.312.641.4464 or email memberservices@ctpf.org to schedule an We are grateful for Trustees Ochoa andappointment. Woods service to the Fund and extendCTPF RETIREMENT RESOURCES our thanks for their work on behalf ofVisit the CTPF webpage, ctpf.org/retirement-resources our members said Carlton W. Lenoir, Sr.,for additional information.Executive Director. 7'