b'MedicareHealth Insurance Options for Medicare Eligible MembersOverviewMedicare Advantage Note: This CTPF health plan is a custom plan that does not require the use of a network provider for The following pages offer general descriptions of the typescoverage. Your benefit levels are the same whether or not of plans offered to CTPF annuitants who are eligible for andyou use a network provider. You may seek care from any maintain active enrollment in Medicare Part A andprovider nationwide that accepts Medicare. All Medicare Part B. All CTPF health insurance plans includeAdvantage plans are regulated by CMS (Centers for Medicare comprehensive medical and prescription drug coverage.and Medicaid Services). CMS requires that certain language be Specific plan information can be found in the charts in theincluded in all Medicare Advantage documents. 2025 Plan Cost Comparison section.If you have any questions, please call CTPF Member Medicare Advantage Plans Services at 1-312-641-4464.A Medicare Advantage plan completely replaces originalHumana Group HMO withMedicare Part A and Part B coverage. In an AdvantagePart D Pharmacy plan, the plan administrator assumes all of the financialThis plan is a traditional HMO where you select a Primary cost of the services provided to you, less the applicableCare Provider to direct your care. You must use network copayments. CTPF offers two Medicare Advantage plans: physicians to receive benefits. The plan includes enhanced UnitedHealthcare Group MedicareMedicare Part D prescription drug coverage provided Advantage PPO with Express Scriptsthrough Humana. You typically pay a copay for services. Medicare (PDP) for CTPFPlan premiums, including the cost of prescription drug You can obtain medical care from any physician, hospital,coverage, are located in the 2025 Plan Cost Comparison or provider that accepts Medicare. The plan includessection. New enrollees must submit completed enrollment enhanced Medicare Part D prescription drug coverageapplications to CTPF. administered by Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) for CTPF (see Express Scripts Prescription Drug Coverage for moreMedigap (Supplement) Planinformation). This plan covers most medical services atA Medigap policy is supplemental health insurance sold by 100% once the deductible is satisfied. private companies that helps pay the costs that Original Plan premiums include the cost of prescription drugMedicare (Parts A and B) does not cover, such as Part A and coverage. New enrollees must submit completedPart B deductibles, co-payments, and coinsurance. Original enrollment applications to CTPF.Medicare provides coverage first, then Medigap helps fill in the gaps. The federal government defines standard benefits for Medigap plans. Medigap premiums are regulated by each state. INFOTo find your plans Star Rating, go to Medicare Star Ratings www.medicare.gov/find-a-plan/The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)Once there, enter your plan ID (shown below) and your uses a Star Rating system to measure how well Medicarehome zip code. Please note that your plan is part of a larger Advantage plans and standalone Part D plans perform inhealth insurance contract with Medicare and will not match categories such as customer service, member complaints,the name of your group plan:pricing and the array of services each offers. The ratings range from one to five stars, with five being the bestUHC MedicareHumana MedicareExpress Scripts and one the worst.Advantage PlanAdvantage Plan Part D PlanH2001 H1468S566012 CTPF 2025 MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE HANDBOOK CTPF 2025 MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE HANDBOOK'