b'How Do I End Insurance Coverage?Voluntarily Ending Coverage Dependents*A dependents health insurance coverage endsYou can voluntarily end health insurance coverage at anysimultaneously with the termination of thetime. Complete CTPF Form 350 by indicating your desiredannuitants coverage, or disenrollment date at least 30 days prior to the first day ofthe last day of the month when eligibility the month when you want to end coverage. Your benefitsrequirements are no longer metwill cease on the last day of the month. If your request is received less than 30 days in advance,* CTPF health insurance coverage continues for survivors your coverage may be effective in the following month. currently enrolled as dependents, following a members death. See the Who Can Enroll in a CTPF Plan section for Please contact CTPF Member Services at 1-312-641-4464information.with any questions. Refund of PremiumPremiums will not be refunded for coverage ended Involuntarily Ending Coverage retroactively due to late notification of ineligibility.AnnuitantAn annuitants health insurance coverage ends: CTPF COBRA Eligibilitythe last day of the month when eligibilityrequirements are no longer met,COBRA continuation coverage is a continuation of CTPF health insurance coverage when coverage would otherwise on the date you lose Medicare coverageend because of a qualifying event. A list of qualifying events due to non-payment of premium,with the applicable continuation periods can be found on on the date of death, or www.ctpf.org/COBRA.on the date of enrollment in an outside planCOVERAGECTPF 2025 MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE HANDBOOK CTPF 2025 MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE HANDBOOK 9'