b'Cigna Surround Group Supplement Planwhich will include the subsidy and prescription (Mirrors Plan G) drug coverage.The Cigna Surround Group Supplement Plan is anNew enrollees must submit completed enrollment employer-sponsored group retiree medical planapplications to CTPF. administered by Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company. Note: If you have Medicare coverage for a reason other This plan supplements original Medicare (Part A andthan age or if you turn 65 after January 1, 2020, you cannot Part B) and includes enhanced Medicare Part D prescriptionenroll in this plan.drug coverage administered by Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) for CTPF. Express Scripts PrescriptionCigna offers guaranteed acceptance and access to anyDrug Coverageprovider throughout the country who accepts Medicare, without referrals or prior authorizations. The CignaExpress Scripts is the prescription drug benefits Surround Group Supplement Plan follows Medicareadministrator for the UnitedHealthcare Group Medicare standard guidelines for covered services. This plan coversAdvantage PPO, AARP Medicare Supplement Plan F 100% of most Medicare-eligible expenses not paid by(UnitedHealthcare) plans and the Cigna Surround Group Medicare after the deductible is met. Supplement plans. Enrollment in prescription drug Cigna offers an affordable single national premium withoutcoverage is automatic for these plans. Express Scripts regard to age-bands or geographic factors and may be awill send all new enrollees welcome kits with a separate more affordable option as retirees age. prescription drug ID card. You will need to present this card New enrollees must submit completed enrollmentat your pharmacy to receive prescription benefits. applications to CTPF. This plan is available to MedicareThe Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) for CTPF is an recipients who turned 65 in 2020 or later. enhanced Part D prescription drug plan approved by Medicare. The plan is based on a drug formulary list which AARP Medicare Supplement Plan Fincludes Medicare Part D drugs. View the drug formulary at (UnitedHealthcare) the website: www.Express-Scripts.com/medd/ctpf.The AARP Medicare Supplement Plan F is an individual(Copays apply, see the Important Pharmacy Notes Medigap plan administered by UnitedHealthcare andin the Plan Comparison Medicare - Eligible Members endorsed by AARP. This plan supplements Originalsection.)Medicare (Part A and Part B) and includes enhancedIf you qualify for extra help from the federal government Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage administeredfor your prescription drug costs, your prescription by Express Scripts Medicare (PDP) for CTPF. copays and premium may be lower than those listed This is an individual plan that is 100% portable within this handbook.guaranteed renewal. You can obtain medical care from any physician or hospital that accepts Medicare. Plan F covers 100% of most Medicare-eligible expenses not paid by Medicare. Plan F premiums are based on age, gender, vary by INFOgeographic area, and are quoted directly byPrescription Drug Plan ChangesUnitedHealthcare. UHC may raise rates annually and willEach health insurance plan utilizes asend a letter to enrollees each spring with the healthformulary (a list of preferred prescription drugs). insurance premium increase information. Quotes andFormularies may change annually, so make estimates from UHC do not include credits for the CTPFsure you review your plans 2025 formulary premium subsidy or the cost of prescription drug coverage.to determine if your prescription expenses will change. After you receive a quote or premium increase letter from UHC, contact CTPF to determine your final annual costCTPF 2025 MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE HANDBOOK CTPF 2025 MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE HANDBOOK 13'