b'Who Can Enroll In A CTPF Plan?Annuitants & DependentsCTPF annuitants and their eligible dependents may qualify to enroll in a CTPF health insurance plan. To qualify, CTPF must be the retirees final retirement system. An annuitant and/or dependent may initially enroll in a CTPF plan once in a lifetime, unless he or she experiences a qualifying event. (See the Special Enrollment Section)Survivors Dependents Defined*Upon the death of a member, survivors should notifyEligible dependents include: the Social Security Administration and CTPFs Member a legal spouse as defined by your Services as soon as possible. Once reported, CTPF willstate of residencesend a packet outlining survivors health insurance a party to a civil unionoptions.children under the age of 26Continued Coverage for Dependentsunmarried veteran adult children CTPF health insurance coverage continues for survivorsunder the age of 30currently enrolled as dependents following a members children who are mentally or physically disableddeath. Qualified survivors become eligible for a healthfrom a cause originating prior to age 23, and who are insurance premium subsidy. A survivor who does notfinancially dependent on you for more than one-half want to continue coverage may voluntarily disenroll. of their support and maintenance. Joining a CTPF Health Insurance Plan It is your responsibility to notify CTPF in writing when your dependent no longer meets eligibility requirements.Qualified survivors may enroll in a CTPF health insurance*For the purposes of dependent eligibility, the term plan within 30 days of a members death, and becomechildren includes natural, step, disabled, and legally eligible for a premium subsidy. CTPF sends enrollmentadopted children as well as children for whom you have information upon notification. permanent legal guardianship.Couple CoverageDependent enrollment is contingent upon meetingdocumentation requirements, available at When only one Family Member is www.ctpf.org.Medicare EligibleIf you and a dependent are in a situation where one family member is covered by Medicare and the other is not and you both want CTPF health insurance coverage, you may enroll in separate CTPF Non-Medicare and Medicare health insurance plans.Each family member must complete a separateCTPF Healthapplication and pay the cost for single coverage in eachInsurance Planplan. The premiums for single coverage can be found in the Plan Cost Comparison chart. When you both reach age 65, you may enroll in the same health insurance plan and pay the Member +1 rate. For more information on Couple Coverage and premiums for Non-Medicare plans, please visit www.ctpf.org under Health Insurance/Enrollment Process.6 CTPF 2025 MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE HANDBOOK CTPF 2025 MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE HANDBOOK'