b"What Changes Impact MyEnrollment? Part B Payments: You are responsible for making Part B payments directly to Medicare, and will receive a monthly Its important to keep CTPF informed if you have any of the or quarterly bill unless you receive a Social Securityfollowing changes which may affect your enrollment status: benefit, participate in CTPFs MedPay program, or sign up change of address for you or your dependents for Medicare's Easy Pay program. death of a spouse or dependent If you fail to pay your Medicare Part B and/or Medicare marriage, civil union, divorce, legal separation,Part D IRMAA bills promptly, you will be disenrolled annulment by Medicare and also lose your CTPF health insurance dependent loss of eligibility coverage. CTPF highly encourages our members to sign change in Medicare status, including turning age 65,up for Medicares Easy Pay program (details available at becoming Medicare eligible before age 65, or loss ofwww.medicare.gov).Medicare coverage for any reasonchange in Medicare premium (such as decreasePart D IRMAA Payments: If applicable, you are responsible or elimination of Medicare Part A premium, or for making Part D IRMAA payments directly to Medicare, qualifying for a state premium assistance program) even if you are enrolled in CTPFs MedPay program. If you you have been awarded benefits under Medicaid are disenrolled due to non-payment, CTPF cannot assist (it is important that you contact CTPF once you arewith reinstatement, the directive must come from CMS.informed that you have been approved to receiveAdditional plans: If you have CTPF insurance and enroll any type of Medicaid benefits; a copy of yourin an additional outside plan, (including $0 [zero dollar] Medicaid award letter should also be sent to CTPF) health insurance plans) you will be disenrolled by your health plan or prescription ID card does notMedicare and you will lose your CTPF health insurance reflect your current enrollment coverage.your pension deduction does not match yourcoverage or required premium Reinstatement is difficult and may result in additional penalties. Members who are disenrolled from a CTPF Dont Make A Costly Mistakehealth insurance plan due to failure to pay Part B, Part There are three frequent mistakes members make whichD IRMAA, or enrollment in an outside plan will also lose can result in a loss in coverage: failing to make timely Parttheir eligibility for the CTPF subsidy. See the Enrollment B payments or Part D IRMAA payments or enrolling in anand Premium payment section for additional information additional outside plan.and contact Members Services at 1-312-641-4464 or email memberservices@ctpf.org for additional help. HEALTH INSURANCE CHECKUPIf you move, notify the Social Security Administration (SSA) of your new Stay Up-to-Dateaddress. Even if you dont receive a Social Security benefit, the agency needs with Addressto know if your address changes, otherwise you may not receive a Medicare Changes Part B bill. If you are Medicare-eligible and fail to pay your Medicare Part B premium you can lose ALL of your Medicare coverage. You will also be disenrolled from your CTPF health insurance plan, and reinstatement is a difficult process. 8 CTPF 2025 MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE HANDBOOK CTPF 2025 MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE HANDBOOK"