b'When Can I Join? An eligible annuitant and/or dependent may initially enroll in a CTPF plan INFO once in a lifetime, unless he or she experiences a qualifying event noted below. Initial Enrollment PeriodOne Time Opt-InYou may initially enroll in CTPF coverage when one of theEligible members may re-enroll in a CTPF following events occurs: health insurance plan one time withoutWithin 30 days after COBRA continuation coveragea qualified change in status (marriage,ends,* unless coverage is cancelled due tobirth, death, etc.). Members who want non-payment of premium to rejoin a CTPF plan must do so during a CTPF OpenWithin 30 days of the effective date of Enrollment Period. A member applying to re-enroll mustpension/survivor benefits have proof of insurance coverage (medical and prescriptionDuring the Annual Open Enrollment Period drug) as of the beginning of the open enrollment period (October 1), and maintain coverage through December 31 (once in a lifetime)Within 30 days of first becoming eligible for Medicareof that year. CTPF insurance coverage becomes effectiveWhen coverage is cancelled by a former group planthe following January 1. through no fault of your own2025 Open Enrollment*If COBRA coverage ends December 31, 2024, you mayThe annual Open Enrollment Period is the time when you enroll in a CTPF plan during the Open Enrollment Period,or a dependent can enroll in a CTPF plan or change plans. October 1 - 31, 2024. Coverage becomes effectiveOpen Enrollment runs October 1 - 31, 2024. Changes made January 1, 2025. during Open Enrollment become effective January 1, 2025.Special Enrollment Period Get started by following these steps:1.Make sure you understand any plan changes.In addition to the annual Open Enrollment Period, you2. If you are currently enrolled in a CTPF plan and you have 30 days after a qualifying event to change plans orwant to continue coverage, you do not need to take add an eligible dependent. Qualifying events may include: any action. Your coverage will continue.change in permanent address that affects the3. If you or a dependent want to enroll or change plans,availability of current coverageyou must complete the appropriate enrollment forms.marriage/civil union or divorce/dissolution An enrollment form for most plans is included in birth, adoption, or legal guardianship this handbook. See the How to Enroll section of termination of a Primary Care Physician for the comparison charts for plans not included on the CTPF Health HMO plan enrollees enrollment form.Insurance Planbecoming eligible for Medicare 4. Return all completed enrollment forms and requireddocumentation to CTPF. Forms returned to an insurancecarrier will not be processed. Please indicate the qualifying event on CTPF Form 350CTPF encourages members to submit forms by fax or email and include any supporting documents detailing yourwhen possible. See the Contact section for email, fax, and reason for loss of coverage. mailing information. CTPF 2025 MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE HANDBOOK CTPF 2025 MEDICARE HEALTH INSURANCE HANDBOOK 7'