CTPF to Hold Trustee Elections This Fall

Nomination Packets Are Now Available

This Fall, CTPF will hold elections for: 

  • Two (2) Teacher Trustees to serve three-year terms from November 2023 – November 2026 

  • Three (3) Pensioner Trustees to serve two-year terms from November 2023 – November 2025 

Candidate Eligibility 

Teacher Trustee 

Candidates for Teacher Trustee must be a CTPF Member, other than a Principal/Administrator, as defined by the Illinois Pension Code (40 ILCS5/17-106); have been assigned on a regular certificate for at least 10 years in the Chicago Public Schools or Charter schools within District 299 (this includes anyone who is licensed and has worked in the Chicago Public Schools or Charter Schools for at least 10 years on a regular certificate, including as a substitute); and be nominated by a petition signed by at least 200 contributors who are not Principal/Administrators, as provided in 40 ILCS 5/17- 139(1).  

Pensioner Trustee  

Candidates for Pensioner Trustee must be a service, reciprocal, or disability pensioner receiving monthly payments from the Fund; and be nominated by a petition signed by at least 100 pensioners, as provided in 40 ILCS 5/17-139(2). 

Nomination Packets 

Nomination packets are now available. Contact Election Coordinator Gail Davis: 312.604.1400, ext. 402, or email elections@ctpf.org to request a packet by September 15, 2023. Completed nomination packets must be returned by September 29, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. (CT).  

Visit the Election Central page for additional information.