Financial & Investments Reports

You may download CTPF's annual financial and investments reports from current to previous years. To access older reports, please contact Member Services at or 312-641-4464.

Each year, the Actuary for CTPF prepares Funding and GASB 67/68 Actuarial Reports as part of the annual close of the fiscal year. The Funding report is presented to the Board of Trustees for review and approval. This report includes funding status and other related matters to meet the various regulatory requirements. The GASB 67/68 report assists CTPF and its primary employer to comply with financial reporting requirements, and is also utilized in the preparation of the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) that is audited by the Fund’s external auditors.

Each year, CTPF prepares an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)*. The report contains financial results of the Fund’s operation in a fiscal year. The ACFR is audited by an Independent Auditor who expresses an opinion as to whether the financial reports fairly present the Fund’s financial condition for the fiscal year. The report also includes investment, actuarial, and statistical information about the Fund for the fiscal year. 

* Prior to 2020 this report was called the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).

The Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) summarizes the ACFR and offers our members a consolidated view of CTPF's financial position at the end of each fiscal year.

The Trustees of CTPF have a strong commitment to the economy of the State of Illinois. At CTPF, we are committed to promoting economic activity in Illinois via our holdings and our use of Illinois-based external managers and broker/dealers. We monitor our Illinois-managed assets monthly and look for opportunities to prudently increase our holdings in Illinois, while maintaining a diversified portfolio.

The Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund remains committed to minority, female, and disabled participation in all areas of CTPF investments. Below are the CTPF’s response to the Minority and Female Investment Hearing Questionnaires.

The Trustees of CTPF are proud to be at the forefront among pension and retirement systems throughout the United States in providing Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities-owned business enterprises (MWDBE) access to do business with CTPF. This report, presented annually to the Governor summarizes the Fund's commitment to MWDBE firms.

This report examines the impact that Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund (CTPF) educators have outside the classroom, and the economic benefit pensions have on the City of Chicago and the State of Illinois.