Member Resources

Whether you are just starting your career, planning to leave employment, considering retirement or are already retired, you can access the information and resources you need to understand the retirement and health insurance benefits provided to members of the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund (CTPF).

While still actively dedicated to educating Chicago's students, you should be just as active in your retirement planning. Your retirement benefit is an important part of your future financial picture

New to CTPF? If you’re a new teacher or member of the Fund, welcome to CTPF. Your pension, administered by CTPF, is one of your most important financial assets. At the beginning of your career, it may

After dedicating your teaching career to the students of the City of Chicago, your retirement should be all about you. CTPF is dedicated to providing our retired members with a secure retirement

You are considered an Inactive Member if you have left employment with CPS or a Charter school, and still have funds with the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund (CTPF). Your member status is shown on the upper right hand corner of your annual Member Statement. To obtain your annual Member Statement, please visit the myCTPF portal at

For information about member benefits, pensions, member statements, and more, please see the resources available in the Active Members section.

Pension representatives (pension reps) are valuable members of CTPF. They assist in building and maintaining the vital connection between teachers and CTPF, and assist with Trustee elections and other duties as detailed below.

Thinking about your future retirement? Your pension is an important part of your future retirement security. Chicago Teachers' Pension Fund (CTPF) members enjoy a guaranteed pension for life, based on your tier level, inal average salary, CTPF years of service, and a pension multiplier (currently 2.2% for service earned on July 1,1998, or after). The calculator below can help you estimate your monthly CTPF pension income at retirement. 

Designating a beneficiary ensures that the lump-sum death benefit and any refund of contributions are paid according to a Chicago Teachers' Pension Fund (CTPF) member’s wishes.

The Illinois Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act (Reciprocal Act) gives retiring Illinois public employees the option to combine service credit earned in any Illinois public retirement systems (except

A Qualified Illinois Domestic Relations Order (QILDRO) is required by law in order to divide Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund (CTPF) benefits. A QILDRO is a court order issued by an Illinois court, and it directs CTPF to pay your alternate payee (most often, your former spouse) a portion of your CTPF benefits. CTPF must have a valid certified copy of a QILDRO and all other required documents on file or CTPF cannot pay your alternate payee.

The survivor and death benefits provided by the Chicago Teachers' Pension Fund (CTPF) are an important part of a family's financial future. If you are aware of the death of a CTPF member, please contact Member Services, 312-641-4464, to report the death so CTPF can begin the process of paying any benefits due.