Reciprocal Systems

The Illinois Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act (Reciprocal Act) gives retiring Illinois public employees the option to combine service credit earned in any Illinois public retirement systems (except local police and fire pension funds). The Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund (CTPF) is one of 13 Illinois public retirement systems covered by the Reciprocal Act. 

If you elect to retire under the provisions of the Reciprocal Act, your service from covered systems is combined upon retirement. The total combined service credit is then used to determine your eligibility for pension benefits from each system and the amount of those benefits. 

Reciprocity is not mandatory. If you choose to retire under the provisions of the Reciprocal Act, the systems will exchange information to determine your pension benefits. 

For more information on retirement under the provisions of the Reciprocal Act, please download the Reciprocity & Retirement information sheet.

Reciprocal Act Participating Systems

Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund
425 S. Financial Place
Suite 1400
Chicago, Illinois 60605-1000
General: 312-604-1400
Members: 312-641-4464
Fax: 312-641-7185

County Employees’ Annuity and Benefit Fund of Cook County 
70 W. Madison Street 
Suite 1925 
Chicago, Illinois 60602-3103 
Phone: 312-603-1200 
Fax: 312-603-9760

Forest Preserve District Employees’ Annuity and Benefit Fund of Cook County 
70 W. Madison Street 
Suite 1925 
Chicago, Illinois 60602-3103 
Phone: 312-603-1200 
Fax: 312-603-9760

General Assembly Retirement System 
2101 S. Veterans Parkway 
P.O. Box 19255 
Springfield, IL 62794-9255 
Phone: 217-782-8500 
Fax: 217-524-9039

Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
2211 York Road 
Suite 500 
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523-2337 
Phone: 800-275-4673  
Fax: 630-706-4289

Judges’ Retirement System
2101 S. Veterans Parkway 
Springfield, Illinois 62704 
Phone: 217-782-8500 
Fax: 217-524-9039 

Laborers’ Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago
321 N. Clark 
Suite 1300 
Chicago, Illinois 60654-4739 
phone: 312-236-2065 
fax: 312-236-0574

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Retirement Fund
100 E. Erie Street  
Chicago, Illinois 60611 
Phone: 312-751-5600 
Fax: 708-588-3165

Municipal Employees’ Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago
321 N. Clark Street 
Suite 700 
Chicago, Illinois 60654 
Phone: 312-236-4700 
Fax: 312-527-0192

Park Employees’ Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago
3500 S. Morgan Street 
Suite 400 
Chicago, IL 60609 
Phone: 312-553-9265 
Fax: 312-553-9114

State Employees’ Retirement System (SRS)
2101 S. Veterans Parkway 
Springfield, Illinois 62704 
Phone: 217-785-7444 
Fax: 217-785-7019

Chicago Office:
Michael A. Bilandic Building 
160 N. LaSalle Street 
Suite S200 
Chicago, Illinois 60601 
Fax: 312-814-5805

State Teachers’ Retirement (TRS) System
2815 W. Washington Street 
Springfield, Illinois 62702-3397 
Phone: 877-927-5877 
Fax: 217-787-2269

Lisle Office:
4200 Commence Court 
Suite 101 
Lisle, Illinois 60532-3611

State Universities Retirement System (SURS)
1901 Fox Drive 
Champaign, Illinois 61825-2710 
Phone: 800-275-7877 
Fax: 217-378-9800