CTPF Special Board of Trustees Meeting

Meeting Materials Available on BoardDocs Meeting Management System

5:15 p.m. the Special Board Meeting has ended.

2:00 p.m. Trustees have returned

1:15 p.m. Trustees have recessed for lunch and will reconvene at 2:00 p.m.

The CTPF Board of Trustees is holding a Special Board meeting, today, July 27, 2020, at 9:30 a.m. Due to the COVID-19 emergency, and in accordance with Public Act 101-0640, enacted June 12, 2020, this meeting is being conducted via audio/video conferencing. 

Public participation will be available at the beginning of the meeting. The agenda is available through the BoardDocs meeting system. Information is posted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act. Pursuant to Public Act 101-0640, all votes will be taken by roll call.

The meeting calls for an executive session and lunch break. All attendees will be placed in a Zoom “waiting room” during breaks. When the meeting resumes attendees will be added back to the meeting and they will receive a chat notice in the Zoom meeting. CTPF will also post a notice on this website when the meeting has been reinitiated. Please monitor your Zoom meeting or the website to determine when the meeting returns to open session. 

Zoom Meeting Dial and Call in Information


Meeting ID: 970 4576 4593

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,97045764593# US (Chicago)

+16465588656,,97045764593# US (New York)

Please note that in order for our staff and Trustees to focus on the business of the meeting, CTPF staff will not respond to messages from the public sent using the Zoom chat feature. We ask that you  forward your questions to memberservices@ctpf.org and they will be answered promptly.