CTPF Statement on Tesla Stock Ownership


CTPF understands that the performance of individual stocks can raise important questions among our members and stakeholders.   

CTPF's Investment philosophy and strategy emphasizes the delegation of investment decisions, including individual stock purchases to professional asset managers who are fiduciaries responsible for managing our portfolio in the best interests of our members. Asset managers continuously monitor market trends, company performance, and other relevant factors when making investment decisions.  

As of March 13, 2025, CTPF managers hold 209,744 shares of Tesla stock, about $50.5 million, representing 0.4% of the total portfolio. 

“It’s important to note that most of our Tesla exposure (nearly 90%) comes from our passive portfolio,” said Carlton W. Lenoir, Sr., CTPF Executive Director. “These ‘indexed funds’ rise and fall with the market. That can be seen as both a strength and a limitation because we own the market, and do not get to select individual stocks with these investments.”  

As a Fund, CTPF is dedicated to maintaining a well-diversified and financially sound investment portfolio, ensuring the long-term financial health of the Fund. CTPF expects asset managers to evaluate their investments, including any concerns related to specific companies, and to take appropriate actions as needed.