CTPF has learned that an insurance salesperson, Gabriel Christopher, has targeted CTPF members for meetings with the offer of providing financial services. Christopher has solicited appointments using teachers’ CPS mailing addresses and has included CTPF information materials in his communications, leading some to believe the solicitation is an official CTPF communication.
CTPF has issued a letter to Christopher, demanding that he cease and desist distributing emails, or any other marketing materials, that imply an affiliation with CTPF.
CTPF does not partner with third party providers to provide pension advice. If you would like to schedule an appointment with a CTPF Member Services Counselor, call 312-641-4464 or email memberservices@ctpf.org.
If you receive an email and are unsure if it is from CTPF, please do not forward it. Call Member Services at 312-641-4464 to verify the communication.