Online Voting Encouraged for Pensioner Election and Express Mail Available for Replacement Ballots


CTPF mailed ballots via first-class mail to all eligible voters in the Pensioner Trustee election on Monday, October 18. Emails with voting credentials were also sent at that time to all pensioners with an email address on file.

The Fund has received reports from members who have not received their ballots due to delays with the US Mail.

Pensioners who have not yet received their ballot from YesElections should contact the Election Agent, YesElections at, or call (844) 413-2929 between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT, Monday through Saturday, to confirm eligibility.

YesElections can send voting credentials via email to Pensioners provide information to confirm their identity. Voting can then be completed online.

“At this point we recommend all of our pensioners to vote using a secure electronic ballot. We understand that there are many delays reported with US Mail and this is beyond our control. Voting online is a safe and secure method of ensuring that votes are received. Voting can be completed from a smart phone, computer, or any device that can access the Internet,” said Carlton W. Lenoir, Sr., Executive Director.

Express Mail Available

Pensioners who have not yet received ballots and do not have access to the Internet to vote can call YesElections at (844) 413-2929 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (CT), through Wednesday, November 3, 2021 to request a replacement ballot be sent express mail to their home. There is no charge to receive a ballot via express mail and a pre-paid Priority Mail return envelope will be included. The Priority Mail envelope can be included in regular mail pickup by the United States Post Office, and must be postmarked by November 6.

All paper ballots must be received by YesElections in New York at 5:00 p.m. on November 5, 2021.

Special Board of Trustees Meeting Added

President Blackwell has called a Special Meeting of the CTPF Board of Trustees on Friday, October 29, 2921, at 3:30 p.m. to consider CTPF Election Policy amendments. Find access information at