Board of Trustees Committees

Investment Committee 

Committee Chairperson: Jacquelyn Price Ward 

The Investment Committee is a committee of the whole and includes all CTPF Trustees. The committee is primarily responsible for decisions regarding the Board’s duty to invest the assets of CTPF. The committee: 

  • Periodically reviews and changes investment policy and asset allocation 
  • Evaluates investment portfolio and investment manager performance 
  • Evaluates and selects investment managers, a master trustee, investment consultants, and policy level benchmarks 
  • Approves the assignment of investment-related contracts 
  • Terminates investment service providers 
  • Performs other duties that may be assigned by the Board of Trustees 


Finance and Audit Committee 

Committee Chairperson: Mary Sharon Reilly 

Members: Paula S. Barajas, Jacquelyn Price Ward, Quentin S. Washington, Tammie F. Vinson 

The Finance and Audit Committee is a standing committee and meets as needed and provides oversight of management’s administration of the Fund’s annual budget and financial operations. The committee also: 

  • Receives the periodic reports of the Director of Internal Audit 
  • Receives the annual report of independent auditor 
  • Provides direction on various audit policy matters 
  • Performs other duties that may be assigned by the Board of Trustees 


Pension Laws and Administrative Rules Committee 

Committee Chairperson: Quentin S. Washington 

Members: Jeffery Blackwell, Jacquelyn Price Ward, Tammie F. Vinson

The Pension Laws and Administrative Rules Committee is a standing committee and meets as needed to establish CTPF’s legislative agenda. The committee also: 

  • Recommends endorsement or opposition to proposed legislation 
  • Recommends statutory amendments to the Pension Code as needed 
  • Reviews compliance and recommends amendments to Board by-law and rules, and State laws applicable to the Fund 
  • Performs other duties that may be assigned by the Board of Trustees 


Claims and Service Credits Committee 

Committee Chairperson: Lois Nelson 

Members: Jeffery Blackwell, Pedro Beiza, Mary Sharon Reilly, Maria J. Rodriguez

The Claims and Service Credits Committee is a standing committee and meets as needed and recommends action by the Board on applications for pensions including disability and refunds. The committee also: 

  • Acts as a fact finder and administrative judge when a member appeals the denial of a benefit 
  • Reports its findings to the full Board and recommends whether a denial should be upheld or reversed 


Other Committees 

The Board may establish other special or ad hoc committees as needed, with duties established by the full Board. Current other committees include: 


Committee Chairperson: Tammie F. Vinson 

Members: Paula S. Barajas, Vicky Kurzydlo, Quentin S. Washington

Health Insurance 

Committee Chairperson: Mary Sharon Reilly 

Members: Jeffery Blackwell, Lois Nelson, Maria J. Rodriguez, Quentin S. Washington


Committee Chairperson: Jeffery Blackwell

Members: Paula S. Barajas, Pedro Beiza, Maria J. Rodriguez, Tammie F. Vinson