Jack Silver, Pensioner Trustee Candidate

Jacksilver1@gmail.com | 773.230.4450
Jack Silver

Statement of Candidacy 

Jack Silver served as Vice President and Trustee on the Board of the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund for 15 years. Under his leadership, the pension fund grew from $3 billion to $10 billion.  Jack demanded answers from Wall Street money managers that performed poorly and was at the forefront of investigation financial industry conflicts of interest.  While others feared challenging powerful Wall Street firms, Jack rose to the challenge of protecting your financial security.

Jack was also one of the leaders in promoting the hiring of minority and women owned brokers and money managers.  He has also written articles about pension issues and has been a noted speaker at pension conferences.

He firmly believes the fund should be fully transparent, so that all contributors of the fund can see how their retirement savings are invested.  He also is committed to reducing the outlandish fees paid to Wall Street billionaires.

Jack is serving as Chairperson of the Pension-Insurance Committee of the Chicago Teachers Union, which involves educating members on various pension issues and has worked with state legislators and lobbyists on legislation that will protect the benefits of active teachers and retirees.  He is also a member of the C.T.U. Executive Board and is also a life time member of both CORE and of RTAC.

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