Maria J. Rodriguez, Pensioner Trustee Candidate | 773.960.7173
Headshot of Trustee Rodriguez

Statement of Candidacy 

As a current Pension Trustee, I have been the “Protector and Guardian” of the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund for 18 years. (12 years as an active Teacher Trustee and 6 years as a Pensioner Trustee). As a Trustee of 18 years, I have been diligent in assuring the Chicago Public Schools paid the contributions owed to the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund. The monies paid by CPS should be managed and invested by the Fund and spent wisely. In 1999 the Chicago Public Schools contributions paid to the Fund were $79,729,145. In 2023 they have paid over $650,000,000 with a balance due of over $200,000,000. Diligent monitoring is a must.

At the May 2023 Investment Committee meeting I initiated the dialogue opposing Sterling Bay’s investment proposal requesting $300 million from the Pension Fund for the Lincoln Yards Real Estate project. 

Assuring pensioners pay less money out of pocket for Health Insurance is also another priority on my list. The CTPF Health Insurance subsidy for retirees will continue at 60% once again.

Legislation which would require retired substitute teachers to contribute 9% of their pay for the sustainability of the Fund is unacceptable and I expressed my position during a meeting. The bill was not passed.

As an “independent” Pensioner candidate I have been diligent in demanding transparency and accountability of administrative expenses at the Pension Fund and requested lowering costs in the Fund’s budget, which would include the rising costs of conferences for Trustees and staff, salaries, and other perks during public Board meetings. I will diligently continue the fight to secure the rights of all retirees and future retirees despite the attempt in some instances to silence me.

Remember, I am here to serve all the annuitants.


  • CTPF President 2002-2004
  • Vice President, Recording, Financial Secretary
  • Served on every CTPF committee as well as chairperson of many.


  • School Delegate & Citywide delegate for over 20 years
  • AFT & IFT Delegate 
  • Served on many CTU Committees as well as the Executive Board.


  • Chicago Public Schools teacher of 34 years
  • Chicago Teachers Union Field Representative 


  • Governor’s State University, University Park, Illinois
    •     Master of Arts, Administration
    •     Master of Arts, Elementary Education/Bilingual Education
  • 45 Post Graduate credit hours
  • University of Illinois, Chicago
    •  Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education
  • Graduate of Jones Commercial High School
  • Graduate of Robert M. Healy School


  • Auxiliary 16 (CPAA Retiree Chapter)
  • Chicago Teachers Union Retiree Chapter
  • Retired Teacher Association of Chicago (RTAC)
  • Retirees in Motion (RIM)
  • Former Ella Flagg Young 
  • St. Cletus Church 

Disclaimer: CTPF is not responsible for the content of this material and has not verified any of the information.