Mary Esposito-Usterbowski, Teacher Trustee Candidate

Mary Esposito

Statement of Candidacy

Greetings Members,

I am running for CTPF Teacher Trustee because our Members Work Hard and earned the Right to have a financially secure retirement. When I started at CPS, I received a couple of promises. First, I was promised business cards, that promise was broken. Second, and more importantly, I was promised a defined benefit plan once I retire. I intend on ensuring that promise is kept. I am Mary, I am a school psychologist and I am a promise keeper. Let me be your voice and your advocate to ensure that your pension promise is never broken.

As a professional, I pride myself on acting with integrity, honesty and following professional standards consistent with my profession. As a potential Trustee and fiduciary, I will always put the Fund first. I am committed to proper business practices which include transparency, accountability, while adhering to ethical standards consistent with pension law and industry standards.

The CTPF mission is clear: Provide, Protect and Enhance our economic well-being. As your pension Trustee, I will ensure these expectations are enforced by acting solely in the interests of our Fund Members and Beneficiaries.

Trustees have a duty, that duty is to provide proper oversight of CTPF’s assets and the Fund’s operations. I intend on monitoring Fund business while empowering our staff and managers to strategically allocate assets across different investment classes. By implementing the Fund policies, I hope to increase the number of quality professionals on staff. I will be a positive voice to improve efficiency to our Membership Services, while maintaining a collaborative relationship with staff and investment consultants. I will always listen and consider our staff and consultants’ professional recommendations, while being committed to providing the needed due diligence to satisfy our legal obligations.  

In my personal portfolio, I have experience investing in real estate, stocks, bonds, and have monitored our funds operations. Always remember, our pension is a promise, a promise that must not be broken. Let me be your promise keeper. I pledge to responsibly grow our retirement wealth, for you, for me, and for all beneficiaries. Vote for Mary Esposito-Usterbowski as Teacher Trustee.

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