Tammie F. Vinson, Teacher Trustee Candidate

Tammie Vinson, Teacher Trustee, Headshot

Statement of Candidacy

My name is Tammie Vinson, incumbent Trustee seeking consideration for a full-term, elected representative of  the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund Trustee vacancy.  I was appointed to the fund in February, 2023. Concurrently, I have served four (4) terms as a Trustee of the CTU, two of those terms as the Chairperson. 

 I have worked within this body

  • to review the finances of the union
  • refine processes improving internal operations,
  • make fiduciarily responsible budgetary decisions
  • to present budget recommendations to the delegates annually.

I have served on several committees

  • Human Rights
  • Climate Justice
  • Testing
  • Special Education
  • Rules and Elections
  • Scholarship

As the President of the AFT Chicago Black Caucus, I have coordinated several educator and community focused forums, instituted the Future Black Educators Scholarship and facilitated topical discussion based on culturally and academically relevant books and movies. 

I have the experience and skills needed to represent the interest of all educators who are relying on our defined benefit, a Pension.  Since I was appointed to the fund, I have participated in numerous training sessions which have broadened my understanding of the role of a  responsible fiduciary.  I will be steadfast in promoting environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments. We have worked hard for our money and I will work even harder to protect it. 

Disclaimer: CTPF is not responsible for the content of this material and has not verified any of the information.