Beverly always wanted to write a book. She suggests that all teachers have an inner writer and “everyone has a story to tell.” She did not know how to get started on this next chapter so she enrolled in a continuing education class and also joined the Florida Writers Association. This group was filled with members helping each other along the way to publication.
In 2017, Beverly published her award-winning memoir Casualties of Peacemaking (available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other book sellers). She documents her adventures during the turbulent years of 1968-1970 in Chicago, and provides a backdrop for the issues that remain today as society searches for co-existence of peace and justice. Beverly describes how she taught summer school in Mayor Daley’s Peace Corp program. That program provided the tools of to Latino and Black high school students who learned about the Chicago political system and ways to effect peaceful change. She also writes about anti-Vietnam War protesters in Chicago who demonstrated to try to convince the Democrats to put into their platform the ending of the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War and how it was the Corp’s young teachers and pastors’ turn to learn about radical empowerment and political discontent. To learn more about Beverly and her work visit http://www.activepeacemissions.com/.
Beverly states that retirement is “a new stage of life and the time to pursue your dreams.” She encourages others to “get out of your comfort zone, if you have had a dream pursue it.”