Redefining Retirement – Follow Your Passion

Meet Author Patricia Palmer Dameron
Redefining Retirement

Many writers pass on their knowledge in the classroom before committing their teachings to paper. Patricia Palmer Dameron was a single mom of two balancing a demanding teaching schedule. While she would write topical scriptures and ideas for a future book, she just didn’t have the time to sit down and write her book while she was still teaching.

As a CPS middle school teacher, Dameron focused on helping students (especially the most at risk) be “good students and be the kind of people who will contribute positively to society.” Her religion and strong faith guided her as she taught with purpose to pull the best out of her students and believed deeply that if she could get students to “change their heart, they would change along with it to become who they were destined to be.”  Dameron is certain that she reached many students, as evidenced by notes that she received from former students about their successes and outlook on life.

During retirement, Dameron’s next chapter of her life began with a focus on spending time with family and helping to raise her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. She spends time with them assisting with homework, going on field trips, and encouraging them to be the “best people they can possibly be.” She also found the time to write and publish her book, The ABCs of Christ-Centered Teaching: a candid and insightful memoir and guide to teaching. She states that the book was born “not only out of my desire to share why I wanted to become a teacher, but most importantly how my steps were divinely directed by my strong faith.” In the book she shares her experiences of teaching youth and of being a student herself on her journey to find purpose through prayer.

Dameron suggests that houses of worship are wonderful places for retirees to connect to a strong network of friends because they offer a natural support system. She credits the launch of her book to her connection to a publisher and to the help of fellow church members. She says, “Retirement is not the end of life. It is a new journey. Whatever your passion is, follow it. Do what you could not do while you were working."