Redefining Retirement: A Whole New Ballgame

Redefining Retirement

After retiring from teaching in 2007, Joel Levin took on a
project paying homage to his first career as a ballpark vendor,
which he did from 1962-1976. Together with co-author and amateur
photographer Lloyd Rutzky, he has written Wrigley Field’s
Amazing Vendors
, a book that shares photographs and
stories of the unique cast of characters that sold goods at
Wrigley Field during the 1970s.

Having authored three books during his years as a classroom
teacher—including math workbooks and How to Get a Job in
—Joel is no stranger to the world of writing and
publishing. So when looking for something to keep him busy in
retirement, returning to writing just made sense. His years of
working in ballparks are full of fond memories and interesting
tales, and along with Lloyd’s collection of candid photos, he
knew that something special could come out of that collaboration.

Field’s Amazing Vendors
 is being published by
Arcadia Publishing as a part of their “Images of Modern America”
series, and will be released on July 9, 2018. Joel is thrilled to
be able to share this tribute to his former ballpark colleagues
with the world, and is especially excited about the photo of
President Obama awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to
Chicago Cubs’ legend Ernie Banks in the Oval Office that is
included in the book.

With this first post-retirement writing endeavor under his belt,
Joel is hoping to create additional books about his time working
in Comiskey Park, Soldier Field, and—of course—Wrigley during the
1960s. There are still many stories to be shared.