Retirement is the Gift that Keeps on Giving

Meet Author Dr. Nancy Ellis-Robinson
Redefining Retirement
Dr. Nancy Ellis-Robinson

At the age of 14, Dr. Ellis learned to play the piano in her father’s church. Over the years she became an accomplished musician serving numerous churches in her long career as a church pianist, organist, and choral director. Today, she plays for her own church as a way to give back. In retirement, she also took up distance swimming and is proud that in 2019 she swam over 100 miles.

Dr. Ellis has always loved to travel. She especially enjoys exploring new places with her husband Alderson Robinson. Together they traveled to a familiar and favorite site - Green County, Alabama. Her visits became the inspiration for her second book, Greene County: A Memoir of Home. In the book, Dr. Ellis gathered memories of her family home in rural Green County, Alabama, and explores the Great Migration that displaced thousands of African-American families and brought her own family to Chicago. Dr. Ellis suggests that readers will “experience the joy, wonder, and love of her cherished home through her eyes.”

While Dr. Ellis will continue to enjoy the many gifts that retirement brings from swimming, playing piano, doing trivia and puzzles, and traveling, her next adventure will be promoting her book at book signing parties. Until then, the book is available at Amazon