A few steps to take now if you intend to retire this year.

Here are a few steps to take now if you intend to retire:
- Download and complete a Retirement Application Packet. Read and review the forms and collect your required documentation. Refer to the retirement checklist in the Retirement Application to help gather the necessary documentation. An incomplete form will delay the processing of your retirement benefit.
- Retirement Webinars are held in February and March. Find more information at ctpf.org/retirement-resources.
- Collect or obtain the required personal identification documents listed on the checklist. Missing documentation will cause processing delays.
- Member Services offers phone, video, and in-person counseling appointments. Appointments are also required to drop off forms and applications. Call Member Services at 312.641.4464 or email memberservices@ctpf.org to request an appointment. Note: Walk-in appointments are not accepted. Visitors need to be added to the building's security list in advance of their visit.
- Check your most recent Member Statement by logging on to your myCTPF Member Self-Service Portal and confirm that your personal information is up to date. Address and demographic changes need to be made with your employer if you are still employed. If you are not actively employed, you can make updates to your information in the myCTPF Member Self-Service Portal. Find more information at ctpf.org/annual-member-statement.