Next Steps
To learn more about your pension and to stay engaged with CTPF make sure that you:
- Complete a CTPF Designation of Beneficiary form and update it as important life events occur (marriage, civil union, birth of a child, divorce, etc.). The lump-sum death benefit is paid according to the Designation on file at CTPF at the time of a member’s death.
- Register for myCTPF the Fund’s self-service portal where you can review your Annual Member Statement and request a pension estimate (when you are eligible).
- Review the webpage Maximizing Your Pension to better understand opportunities to purchase service credit and increase your pension benefit.
- Consider the benefits of reciprocity. If you earned service credit in another Illinois public retirement system, review the Reciprocal Systems section or contact CTPF to discuss your options.
- Share your voice. Vote in CTPF’s Annual Trustee Elections, conducted in the fall.
- Read Pension News and register for email updates.
- Attend CTPF Educational Webinars. Information on Educational Webinars can be found in email updates and at
- Review your Annual Member Statement, which is mailed each fall and provides a snapshot of your pension benefits at the end of the prior fiscal year.
- Keep your employer up-to-date with any changes in your demographic information, such as change of address or marital status. CTPF receives changes from the employer while you are an active teacher.